2009年3月23日 星期一

KM log4 Knowledge Management and the Dynamic Nature of Knowledge

1. Konwledge management or knowledge sharing in organizations is based on an understanding of knowledge creation and knowledge transfer.

2. Knowledge requires knowers, so its processes are interteined with human activity and experience.

3. Knowledge is enriched information with insight into its contxt showing how information and knowledge are closely associated and how they used to define each other.

4. Communicating knowledge is primarily a process, but in order to capture and share knowledge conveniently, its representations are often placed into a storage and retrieval system.

5. One reason knowledge is more valuable than data or information is that it is closer to action.

6. In a kownledge management program it is the knowledge artifact, or the thing, that is managed, not knowledge itself.

7. Instead of the constant initiatives to extract knowledge from within the employees to creat new explicit knowledge artifacts, it might be more productive for organizations to invest effort in creating a kownledge culture.


This article argue that effective knowledge management in many disciplinary contexts must be based on understanding the dynamic nature of knowledge itself.

The author emphasized that knowledge is dynamic, that is, knowledge is always changing with the human experience and learning. Because of dynamic nature, how to manage knowledge is mentioned on this article. Author said that what in a knowledge management prgram is the "Knowledge Artifact".

And then author addressed three problematic aspects of knowledge management:
1. Knowledge originates and resides in the mind
Separating the mind, body and spirit in defining knowledge and recognizing only the intellectual dimention ignores ignores essential aspects of human nature and presents a fractured picture of knowledge.
As far as knowledge management is concerned about the wholeness of human experience.

2. The technological imperative
IT is just a TOOL, not a solution.

3. Knowledge as a social value
This part mentioned about "organizational knowledge".
Knowledge can make profit if knowledge could be distributed within organization. But it can also be a disadvantage to the organization if it is wrong or if it is inhibiting, or if it is not used for the fulfillment of the organisation's mission.

Anyway, this article gave a good opinion that organizations need to manage knowledge both as "object and process".


Topic: Knowledge Creation

According to this article, Kownledge is the awareness of what one knows through study, reasoning, experience or association, or through various other types of learning. On the other hand, knowledge is a result of a varid set of prcosses. Through those process, knowledge could be created.


"Without person involvment in understanding, knowledge has little value". Although this sentence has been overwrited on other articles, it also make great sense. Activities among people create knowledge and distribute knowledge. If there were no people in there, knowledge would become meaningless.

And I very agree the opinion on "Knowledge Artifact". The last article brought up that knowledge cannot be documented but can be passed through social activities. And this article told us precisely that what we documented or what we handle in KM programs were knowledge artifacts and it is dynamic, changing overtime.
