1. Knowledge management is about creating, capturing, organising, retrieving, disseminating, sharing and re-using knowledge for the benefit of organizations.
2. The concept of corporate memory refer to the collective tacit and explicit knowledge.
3. Librarians need to get engaged with issues that have not been part of their tasks previously, and change and adapt their duties from gatekeepers to gateways of information to fulfill the role of knowledge manager successfully.
4. Traditional information management principles include organizing, retrieving, repackaging and uilising information, which are important for effective knowledge management applications.
5. Librarians understand the information seeking behaviour of users, which give them an advantage over those people who deal exclusively with the technology of information because they add human value to information.
6. Enhancing the role and employers expectations of the profession depends on the efforts of individual librarians.
The authors used content analysis to discuss the opportunities of KM for librarians. They said, the librarians need to improve their value to rejucenate profession.
Because of the training and specialty of librarians, they are suitable to be consultants for company which want to implement KM. But there were still something need to learn, like socail skill, IT knowledege and manage skill .etc..
Topic: KM careers.
From this article, we realize the outline of abilities except librarian of KM. For instance, socail interaction, risking taking, management skill and bussiness knowledge, technology skill.
In terms of the author's oppinion, librarian could be a KM consultant for company. Although they described a lot of abilities of librarian for knowledge manangement, I still think that librarian is not the only one candidate for the career of KM. More exactly, the expert of business or management are more suitalbe for that kind of job. After all, the business environment is a extremly practicle place. If librarians didn't invole in there for enough time, they might not engage in the job very well, because the surrounding is totally different from library.